Saturday, July 2, 2011

I'm not alone

Hi lovely girl and desperate boy.

Have you ever been in love or crush with someone who did not know your name at all? Yes? Nope? Never? Serious never? For those who never fall in love or having crush, I would say he/she are an alien that come from another world. They not belong here. Breathe the same air on this earth.

Just random, I really like walking alone on the street. Just want to observe something that I could not observe if I were in the class or in a gloomy hostel.
Well, I went to the mall and usually I'm taking my seat on bench in the mall. Observing people make me growth faster than I thought.

Usually I'm observing their clothes, style and sometimes the way their walk. Confident or not. Just random. Usually, guys will walk confidently in front of girls when they are not alone. Same as girl. But sometimes, they way they behave make me irritate and annoyed. 

Sitting alone without friends on the bench in the corner of the mall don't make me feel alone.
Well that's the real me. Silence is my friend forever. Most of my friends doesn't know about it. Yeah, maybe they have seen me as talkative person with a little stubbornness but it's just a cover. 

Deep inside my heart nobody knows what it is. It has been a secret that I'll never ever tell even it hurt myself. My dad told me that never trust anybody except you. Some secret remains secret. Maybe that makes I'm different than others right? 

I think live in community is the big challenges where I have to put myself in a society. Ah well, I think there is not such things that called BFF because when you face the problem, only family and Allah with us not the so called BFF. 

Oh sorry this is a boring entry. Well, it is just me. Bye.

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